Iran: Hope for the Green Revolution

As the situation in Iran deteriorates, we can only hope and wish that a positive outcome will result for this conflicted country: a complete reversal from the dictatorial clutches of its suffocating theocracy.
Recent reports show that the brutal death of 16-year-old Neda Soltani, an innocent bystander who was shot during a street rally, is pushing the Iranian people onto the brink - the brink of a revolution that this region so desperately needs.
Iranians are hungry for democratic reform. They are tired of being dismissed as a rogue state that threatens nuclear destruction by the international community. The Iranians are denouncing their crazed leader President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with shouts of "death to the dicator!", particularly shocking in a nation that brutally supresses free speech and executes individuals for infidelity.
The Iranian leadership scoffed at President Obama's previous overtures for open dialogue, but the images and footage of protests online indicate that the people think otherwise.
We need to continue to support the Iranian people by providing them with today's weapons: access and resources to the Internet, online support groups, blogs, anything that will give them a voice for the rest of the world to hear, the voice that truly represents the real Iran boiling beneath the grip of a Hitlerish madman and his brainwashed minions.
- Anthony Shelley
Labels: anthony shelley, democracy, elections, freedom, iran, politics, technology, theocracy, university of washington, updates, uwjhr